Thursday, August 24, 2006


The border guards don’t call the area Serbia, but rather Kosovo … and during transit they informed us that we need to buy car insurance for Kosovo for 50 Euro … apparently EU insurance, which we have with the car (known as the Green Card, after its colour) doesn’t apply to Kosovo.
I told him that I don’t want to go to Kosovo (thinking it was for a city), and that’s where it all started … and since all we wanted to do was travel 100km or so through the country (into Montinegro), we basically told him that we didn’t want to pay … and so we were pointed back towards Macedonian …. So its back into Macedonia (again)....
There is no way we were going to pay 43 Euro for dorm accommodation, and so after backtracking to Skopje, we headed south to Ohrid (from what we heard, a key tourist town on a Lake)….and then onto Albania …. another backwards country, which I was preferring to by-pass altogether … so stay tuned for more Border Sodomy

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