Thursday, June 25, 2009


As we travelled from Helsinki to Poland, the thing I found most irritating is the:
  • Lack of public toilets
  • Huge line ups for ones that exist
  • They charge for use of (FLAT FEE - regardless if you're going in for a No1 or No2 ... that is hardly fair, dont you think)

With the large amount of beer we drank, being directly correlated to the need for using the loos … it became quite an expensive exercise (costs ranged from A10cents – A60 cents) per use … so do the sums …. And make sure you calculate that in the budget when planning to travel to these parts of the world.
In this part of the world … breaking the seal (or having the first piss), is truly a potentially expensive event.

I must admit, as we headed south (into Poland), the toilets were more plentiful, and better ….

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