Thursday, October 25, 2007


It has been confirmed …. My next project is in LA … based in Orange County (yes ….like in the TV series)….I’m scheduled there till Jan 2009, but that is not definite, and probably will change in upcoming months, depending on how the project pans out, but either way it will be 8-10 months as a minimum.

Once again, it’s a melancholy feeling … arriving in London, just to pack everything up, and head of half way around the world, to start a new life for next year or so.

Having said that, the weather in London is becoming cold and dreary …. And its 34 degrees in LA at moment, so definitely looking forward to sun and beach (I will be located few kms from Newport and Long Beach) … so definitely will start surfing.
(Mind you ... Im flying out in 4 days ... and there are fires that are raging at the moment ... so hopefully everything will be ok by the time I land)

Pamela is also heading back to Australia for the summer (next 4/5 months) …. She has Xmas and 3 weddings, and it’s as good as excuse to escape the UK winter …so we are vacating our flat, and basically taking whatever we can back, and giving everything else away … its all got to go (again!!).

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