Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Recently I decided that I am going to make more effort in my appearance when I travel back to Europe this summer....I’m pretty relaxed traveler ... and usually on long-haul overnight flights I choose to wear tracksuit ... for comfort/warmth.... and could easily be mistaken for a back-packer (always have a pair of shorts/thongs handy if it gets warm upon arrival).
Well, with work, I fly Premium Economy .... and decided that I need to start looking more the part of a professional consultant .... and less like a student back packer.

I noticed that this makes a lot of difference how an Airlines (and their staff) treat you.
On the flight to London ... I noticed in the attitude of the airlines staff ... and today .... on way back to LAX, I got upgraded to Business!!! (awesome way to fly, would love to see what First class is like) maybe there is something in the way one is dressed, and being upgrade ...... stay tuned ... will keep you posted on future experiences.

If this sort of treatment continues.... I may have to reconsider my opinion of British Airways.....after all ... I fly 6-8 times a year with them .... so they should consider me Frequent Flyer!.

Arrived to 34 degree weather in OC ... would be great if didn't feel crap from yesterdays’ “Creeper” hangover/today's jet-lag.... with an 8 hour time-zone difference .... whatever the cause of pain ... its a long day!

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