Sunday, October 26, 2008


We did the usuall tourist marks: Great Wall, Tianamin Square, Forbidden Palace, and of course a lot of drinking, eating, and carrying on!
My camera's memory card got corrupted the only photos I have are from Mate's camera, predominantly of the trip to the Great Wall ... (it was an all day trip, with lots of climbing and steps).

BEIJING ... from four corners of the world

I was invited to Beijing for my friend (Mate) 30th birthday.... we stayed with his old Adelaide buddy (Matt) and few other boys flew in from all over the world ....(the day I was departing, it dawned on me that geographically, we were leaving to 4 different corners of the world.
  • Gasper from London
  • Mate from Johannesburg
  • Scott/Greg from Sydney
  • Me from LA
Mate on his birthday .. on the 30th floor (of the tower where Matt lives)

Around the Dinner table
Boys hanging out on the balcony
View from Matts apartment
Scott and Greg getting around on Matt's bike


Beijing has some amazing buildings (the city has reaaly developed within the last decade or so) ... and there are some amazing modern buildings